A Diabetic Dog One-Stop Shop

I don’t know how many of you are like me when it comes to shopping, but it’s not my favorite thing to do. Maybe it comes from my youth when nothing ever fit right and shopping was a chore, not something fun. In any case, I’m not a fan. I am however a very good online shopper! Anything that I can do quickly and efficiently, I’m all about it.
Although I’m a good online shopper, I was always afraid that I had forgotten something because it takes so many “stops” to make sure that I had all that I needed for my boys especially when it came to supplies for Max, my “sugar baby”. I always felt like it would be so much more convenient and efficient to be able to get all of his supplies on one website. Is anybody with me on that?
One of my bigger issues was having to read all the ingredients in supplements like Methyl-B12 and D-Mannose or any of the other things that were needed to treat Max’s Diabetes properly. I was so careful and worried that I would order the wrong thing or miss an ingredient that would affect his BG (Blood Glucose) and then I’d have to do further research and spend more money for the right thing.
If any of you are feeling this way, I am here to tell you a “one-stop-shop” website is HERE! Check it out at www.ShopPetTest.com!
To start off, the site covers the basics with new products coming online as they are available. I truly believe that this will make shopping for supplies SO much easier! No more getting caught with only two strips left because you thought that you had made all the “stops” to gather supplies to find out that you forgot the most important one! Eeeeeek!
As you all know, I no longer have a diabetic dog, but if I did, I’d be all over this!
If you have any thoughts or ideas for topics that you’d like to see covered here, please feel free to comment below or send me an email at NancyForPetTest@PharmaSupply.com. As always, please “like” this blog post or any of the others that have helped you or just refreshed your memory.Look for new posts every Monday, Wednesday and Friday!
Until next time…